
Natural tips to fight menopause

Natural tips to fight menopause

Natural tips to fight menopause

In the process of menopause, the ovaries gradually lose the ability to produce estrogen and progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle. For this reason, ovulation and menstruation occur with less and less regularity until, finally, they disappear. This is accompanied by a series of discomforts such as the following:

Changes in mood and mood, sleep disturbances, flushing and hot flashes, loss of sexual desire, palpitations, changes in weight and shape of the body, dry skin, headache, urinary problems and containment.

While the permanent cessation of menstruation occurs, it is recommended:

Take a positive attitude towards menopause. Relax through meditation. Maintain physical activity necessary to maintain the integrity of bones and joints. Wear dresses made with natural fibers to minimize hot flashes. You can also prepare an infusion to overcome these discomforts, mix two tablespoons of melissa or lemon balm in a cup of water which should boil for 5 minutes. Let stand and strain. Take a cup a day.

For more health tips, visit Pharmamedic.

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